Poker Terms and Definitions

Quick Guide to Poker Terms and phrases.

Terms Definition
Button In the first round, the system of the dealer's position is randomly assigned, and a small disc indicating the "nominal dealer" of the hand is called the "button". The nominal dealer is also known as the "button player". At the end of each hand, the button moves clockwise to the next player.
Blind Poker blinds are mandatory bets that are placed into the pot before any cards are dealt. The blinds are paid each hand by the players who are occupying the “small blind” and “big blind” seats at the table. The position of the dealer determines who pays the blinds. The two players immediately to the left of the dealer pay the blinds. As they count as bets for these two players, they don't have to match their own blinds again. The big blind is twice the amount of the small blind.
Hole Cards The hole cards are players' face-down cards which only visible to the player, i.e. the two starting cards. Players must use 2 Hole cards and 3 Community cards to form a pair of 5 best hand.
Action A player's decision.
Bet To bet is to make a wager. A player can only bet if nobody else has done it. If there is already a wager on the table, then the player needs to match that existing bet, he/she can also raise the wager if he/she wishes to.
Call A call is an action a player can make when faced with an opposing bet. It refers to the player wagers exactly the amount of the opposing bet.
Fold A player who folds lays down his cards and withdraws from the current round of play. The bets he/she has already made stay in the pot and he re-joins the game in the next round.
Check To pass the action to the next player without making a wager. A player can only check if no raise has been made.
Raise To bet over the amount wagered by your opponent.
Re-raise A raise that follows an opposing raise.
All-in To go all-in is to bet all the chips the player has at the table. Once a player is all-in, he/she is treated specially since he/she can no longer make any more wagers nor call any more bets. He cannot be forced to fold and will see the showdown for sure.
Bad beat A bad beat is a hand in which a player whose hand was highly favoured is beaten in an improbable turn of events.
Bankroll It is all the money that a player uses for playing poker. It is the sum of funds that he/she has designated for the game. It also means the money that a player has in his player account.
Betting Rounds Each Hand can be divided into four betting rounds. Each bet is called by the player on the left side of the dealer.
Ante The ante is a form of forced bet that all players must pay before the cards are dealt. These are paid by all players at the table every round and do not count as bets made but are a form of entry fee into the round. Texas Hold'em usually doesn't have an ante, but some of the No Limit Hold'em tournaments will require players to place an ante.
Bluff A bluff is a move in which a player tries to convince the opposition that his hand is stronger or maybe weaker than it actually is to get the opponents to believe something untrue to get him to act on it; either by folding or by betting large amounts against a strong hand.
Board/ Community Card There will be five board/community cards facing up in the center of the table, which will be shared by all players in the game, and to form the best hand with player's Hole cards.
Break-even It means the situation that there is no loss or gain of chips.
Burn card A card is burned before the starting hands are dealt. Before a new card is dealt, one card must be put aside, this card is the burn card. It prevents the knowledge of what this card might be from affecting the game.
Busted/Bust-out In the tournament, the player loses all the chips and leaves the game.
Kicker Kickers are those cards out of the five making up a poker hand that do not belong to any combination of cards but that determine the rank of hands with equivalent combinations. Accordingly, there are only kickers in hands with combinations of fewer than five cards i.e., four of a kind, three of a kind, pairs, and high cards. They decide the outcome when two players have hands that are otherwise equal in rank, beginning with the highest kicker. If you specify the definition, the one that decides over a hand when two players have similar hands. If the players have exactly equal hands, then the kicker is the highest of the non-combination cards.
Anchor Position

The position of players at the table is based on the button position. It is most advantageous at the button position, because the player in this position will act in the final bet of each round and can observe the opponents before deciding his/her strategy. The following is an introduction to each location:

Blind position: The 2 seats after the button forced to place the small blind and the big blind. It is the most unfavorable two positions, because in each round of betting, they must act first.
Early Position:The first three seats after the blinds is the early position. (The position of the first player to play the current hand is called UTG, “under the gun”) They are seen as the worst positions at a poker table because they must act first before the flop. The closer to the dealer you are the worse the early position because you have no idea how others around the table will play their hands.
Middle position:The 2 seats before the Button.
Late Position:The dealer (bottom) and the seat to the right, which are the last two positions to act. The Late Position has a great advantage over the other players since they know the actions of all previous players.

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